[b][u]September 3rd,2010 Tokyo,Japan[/b][/u] Kouichi was in the airport with his family just to say goodbye to him. "Awwwwww.... My baby is not a child anymore" Kouichi's mother weeped "Good luck there son!" Kouichi's father encouraged him "Don't forget us o-onii-chan!" Kouichi's little sister cried "Haha... Don't worry about me okasan,otosan,and my little sister" Kouichi comforted them so they cannot worry about him while he is in London with his uncle. He smiled and waved at them before he enters the airport. [hider=Translation] Okasan- Mother Otosan- Father Onii-chan - big brother [/hider] --- [b][u] September 4th, 2010 London,England[/b][/u] Kouichi was riding a car with his uncle to escort him in his new home.Kouichi is peeking at the window while they are on their way.He was very confused why he isn't seeing any children.He then became curious and he asked his uncle.He knows how to speak English a lot so it won't be a problem. "Uhh... Uncle why am I not seeing any children?" Kouichi asked "Oh... It's because it is already 11:00 PM and they are already asleep" his uncle answered but it was a lie since he thought that letting him know about the P3 Syndrome might make him panic although he is a teenage boy. "Oh really? In my country, kids can still be seen in the streets hanging out with their friends in the time" Kouichi added "Well... This is not Japan anymore" his uncle smiled. After all the conversation, Kouichi arrived at his new home.Kouichi then enters the house and goes to his room then he unpacked his stuff.While he is in the middle of unpacking his stuff, Kouichi's uncle named Fred knocked at the door. "Kouichi?" Fred called his name "Yes?" Kouichi responded while still continuing to unpack his stuff. "I already enrolled you to a school and you will start by tomorrow so after you're done unpacking your things.Go to sleep" Fred said "Ok!" Kouichi replied and continued to unpack his stuff. Just like what his uncle said.He immediately goes to sleep right after he is done unpacking his stuff.Before he can sleep, he looks at the clock and it was already 11:59 PM. "It is almost midnight"Kouichi said to himself and slept. As the midnight strikes,Kouichi's dream that was about his family waving at him turned into black.Like he was in an endless void,it was darkness everywhere except for the light in front of him.He approached the light and as he reached it, it is a window.Kouichi was confused what was happening and he was pushed all of a sudden. Now, he realized that he was not alone.There are other people pushed to the window and entered this strange world.A rabbit appeared and spoke. "Haha... what is this some kind of entertainment number?" Kouichi laughed.Well he laughed because he never take any situations seriously and he does not know that he is in danger. He then approached the rabbit and hugged him. "You're so cute!" Kouichi said while he is hugging the rabbit.