((the best kind of surprise :) )) Jurgen directed his android to a closet where she could hang her clothes up once they got home, and then he headed into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. he was looking forward to enjoying a nice meal on the couch, and maybe he'd watch a movie or something. That sounded good to him. He wasn't really paying attention as he worked away at getting himself some food, so it wasn't until Eve started talking that he realized what was going on. He looked over, about to say something, and then didn't. What could he say? She looked hot. Incredibly hot. His brain just about exploded as he realized this. Then he started wondering exactly how realistic she was. At least until he burned himself. "Fuck! Goddamn, motherfucker. Son of a bitch." he declared vehemently, as he rushed to the sink to run his hand under cold water. That had hurt, a lot. Thankfully, it had snapped him out of that train of thought, and prevented his food from getting ruined. Burning himself was one thing, but wasting food was unacceptable. The cyborg pulled it together long enough to finish cooking, keeping anything else from getting burned. Then he did a quick clean-up, just enough to keep things from getting impossible to clean later, before grabbing his food and descending on the couch. But now he was sitting right next to Eve. And while he knew it shouldn't be awkward, she was just a robot, he couldn't help but feel kind of weird. Mostly because she was a robot. Were androids supposed to be attractive? Did that even make sense? He tried to push those thoughts away, but he couldn't help himself, he was going to have to know sooner or later. He ate slowly, considering things, wondering how to even bring up a subject like that. She was a robot, so he should just be able to start talking, but she was realistic enough that he didn't know if she'd get offended or something. What if she got pissed off and attacked him? That left him confused and he did his best to just focus on his food. Once he had some energy, then he'd be able to focus on how to broach the subject with his automated companion...