[quote=Fat Boy Kyle] Couple of things though: 1) I'm not too familiar with the Resistance Series (only got an xbox)2) I won't be able to post everyday, and might have periods away. I thought that the whole scout/sniper thing could make up for that as my character could simply go off scouting and therefore would hopefully avoid holding the story up. [/quote] You don't really have to be familiar with it, anything at all you need to know is included in the reading in the OP. If you've played Halo, all you have to know is that this is essentially Marines vs. The Flood, but set in the 1950s. If you haven't played Halo, it's just humans vs. aliens, with some nifty science and stuff thrown in. I'll explain more in-depth once we have everyone signed up. That shouldn't be too much of a problem, just please be sure to let us know before you have periods away if you can :)