[center] ~Name~ [/center] [center] Professor Adlai Jones [/center] [center] ~Titles~ [/center] [center] Potions Master [/center] [center] Head of Slytherin House [/center] [center] ~Age~ [/center] [center] 37 [/center] [center] ~Personality~ [/center] [center] Jones is a good professor who knows what he is doing. He has little patience for fools, and very little sympathy for those who don’t try to help themselves in his class. He cares for all of his students, even ones that aren’t in his House, but he’s reluctant to show it at times. He’s a bit of a smartass, but he’s also very wise. He does “sneak” off occasionally to get away from the school and his students. When that happens, he typically goes to the Forbidden Forest, a supposedly student-free zone. He’s not your usual Slytherin. He has his own ideas about the House’s values. [/center] [center] ~Likes~ [/center] [center] +Smart students [/center] [center] +Resourceful people [/center] [center] +Peace and Quiet [/center] [center] +His job [/center] [center] +Secretly studying creatures in the Forest [/center] [center] ~Dislikes~ [/center] [center] –Lazy, arrogant people [/center] [center] –Prejudice [/center] [center] –Clumsy people in class [/center] [center] –Staff meetings [/center] [center] –A lot of rules [/center] [center] –People watching over his shoulder [/center] [center] ~History~ [/center] [center] Jones didn’t have a tragic backstory. No bad childhood or adolescent torments. He was born in to British parents during the war (don’t know our time period so no clue which war), and he grew up traveling quite a bit. Both of his parents were magical, so when he was sent to Hogwarts, his pureblood status sent him to Slytherin. He loved potions; it was his favorite class. When he got older, he came back and asked for the job as Potions Master, and that’s where he’s been ever since. His family was on Voldemort’s side in the war, but he never partook in any of that. He went out of the country when everything started getting bad. [/center] (Sorry that I can’t put an appearance on here. I can’t find one that fits him. And if I’ve left anything out on either, please let me know.)