Remoro, the tallest, blondest and beardedest of the crew, promptly stepped forward and adopted his “introducing pose”. With his arms dramatically outstretched, as though being in Vami's presence was a gift from the gods, he spoke reverently; “He.” Remoro drew out the word, building his sense of suspense. “Is Vami. Savior of those in need! Our knight in shining armor! Our prince, estranged from the world of common folk by his appearance, but we cherish him, for we know what is in his heart.” As he spoke, Remoro waved his arms skyward in awe, in a pleading pose toward Shara as though begging for her belief, and back to Vami in his pose indicating the extreme value of this person. “I am Remoro, brother to Femto!” At this, he quickly bear-hugged his brother. “And my dear brother, my only brother would have been lost to me if not for the intervention of the magnificent Vami! Whose caring, and kindness was far greater than anyone elses here!” Remoro drew himself and his brother close to Shara, leaning in so that their dramatically tear-stained faces could dominate her vision. "Oh how our poor old mother would have lamented, and thrown fireballs at me when I delivered the news of Femto's untimely demise." Backing away again, nearing the end of his routine, Remoro decreed; “And now, I have more family than before. For all of us Pyromancers are family, bound by the flame in our blood! And on this day, I have declared Vami an honorary Pyromancer!!!” In the wake of Remoro's voice was a silence deeper than most had heard before. Then, Ariel of the Pyromancers clapped for him. ”Hear hear! For the man of the hour Vami, and his admirer and speech-giver Remoro!” Ariel's bell-toned voice rang out acrosst the hall. Those mages in other rooms, who had quickly become aware of the speech from Remoro's booming voice, also joined in the applause, and the hallway became a stage at the end of a performance. Throughout the monologue, Iwan's face had been glued to his palm, but now Ariel grabbed his hands and made him applaud like the rest. “Bravo, brother. Well said.” Femto hung off his taller brothers shoulder, and the two of them resembled like a pair of fruit grown from the same bunch. “I... I couldn't have written so goodly of a speech, without this man as inspiration.” Remoro pulled Vami close, turning him into the third fruit of their bunch. Vami struggled to not drop any of the bottles or boxes he was carrying, while under the grip of the large pyromancer. He did appreciate the sentiment though, and smiled up at his colleague. Then he looked back at Shara, still grinning even in his mostly helpless state. “Yes, as you may have heard, I'm Vami. Norkatch. They are all my friends, Femto, Remoro, Ariel and Iwan. Boy are pyromancers a joy to have about!” Vami's face became like that of a satisfied, purring cat. Then, Vami delivered something of a stare, with a smirk attached. The sudden change of expression was out of place, and he had directed it so it was personal between him and Shara. It was the kind of expression that delivers a message, along the lines of “I sensed what you did, a second ago.” He plainly contained no ill-will, though. He was curious at her magic before, and having felt it so close to his skin during Shara's greeting, was now wondering what she had been up to.