Yoro mumbled a "thank you" to Akira and a "sounds good" to Youhei as he wordlessly began to look for clues. After some time, he approached the group. "Takahiro is missing. Judging by what i've seen and what Shirogane tells me, it's clear that he has been kidnapped." He sighed, frustrated. "Let's head back to the dorm for now. We can discuss Takahiro's rescue and... the matter of your punishment tomorrow after school. Attending this meeting is optional for Youhei-san, as he will not be punished, however I do recommend you attend so that you may be briefed on our potential rescue mission." Just as Yoro prepared to walk back to the dorm, the Dark Hour ended. The group got a few strange stares from passersby. "Thank god." Yoro mumbled, staggering back up to the station. With that, the group headed back to the dorm. ----------------------------- 5/10/2009 -After School- Everyone got a text message from Yoromatsu to meet on the fourth floor immediately after school.