[b]Roleplay:[/b] Comatose
[b]Level:[/b] Free
[b]Fate:[/b] Roleplay died from lack of activity.


[i]"Part of me refuses to believe I killed all those people, but . . . I don't know."[/i]

[u][b]Full Name[/b][/u]
Sophie E. Gallagher

[u][b]Alias(es) / Titl(es) / Nickname(s)[/b][/u]
[i]"Judas . . my name is Judas."[/i]



[u][b]Active Abilities[/b][/u]

- [b][u]Pyrokinesis:[/u][/b] Judas has very limited control over her pyrokinesis. Her fireballs are generally extremely weak and have poor aim: she often, if not always, misses her target. She can create a small flame in her hand and juggle it back and forth, while it is hardly effective at far range, she is able to give people third degree burns from close distances. But her main shine with pyrokinesis is being able to light an object on fire -- with her mind at a fair distance. It is easy to assume that Judas is more powerful mentally than she is physically.

- [b][u]Telekinesis:[/u][/b] As mentioned, it is assumed that Judas has a higher mental prowess than anything. However, her mind is also extremely frail. She cannot lift anything much larger than a chair with or she will collapse from an overload of stress. Her telekinesis is limited to such features as shattering glass and controlling where her knife flies. 

[u][b]Passive Abilities[/b][/u]

- [b][u]Contagion Regeneration:[/u][/b] Judas is able to restore health and reduce her stress levels when ill with a contagion or sickness. She is passively 5% stronger than average as well. It also makes her immune to most diseases with the exception of radiance sickness.

A kitchen knife that she found lying around.

A frail girl of paranoia, sarcasm and a hot-headed personality. Despite her fears, she is not without her own touch of a witty and dry sense of humor. She is also a ball of bouncing pure anger, considering what has been DONE to her. A natural born leader who would rather be a lone wolf, Judas doesn't like to admit that she enjoys the company of others. She can appear as "stand-offish" at first sight and that generally makes people dislike or distrust her. But don't be fooled, once she warms up to you, she will be a greatly loyal ally and friend (this is also due to the fact that she has valid trust issues). In addition, she is extremely kind-hearted, compassionate and empathetic, giving her a "motherly feel" of sorts. She doesn't think well under pressure, but is great at improvising when necessary. 

Well, firstly, she is terrified of other people, as well as trusting them (considering what has been done to her, it's valid). She's also terrified of open water, snakes, and being buried alive. She has great anxiety and paranoia, which can be considered a massive downfall. Her body is extremely frail and her mind isn't much stronger. She can easily over-exhaust herself if she exerts herself while using telekinesis, causing her to black out or faint. She is afraid of getting sick (unaware that she is actually immune to it).

[b][u]Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks[/u][/b]
She has the habit of always grabbing and scratching her left arm as if she was trying to remove something. She sleeps with her head in her arms. She holds her knife facing backwards at her left side when she feels threatened.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkHuUgJC1ok] Be My Escape[/url] - Relient K

Fond of animals, chocolate and cartoons. Guys, look, I made a tsundere!


[hider=Alexander W. Grant][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/27770533/anime-boy-drawing-manga-sad-Favim.com-405434_large.jpg[/img]
[i]"I'd ask questions, but I think we all know that I won't be getting answers."[/i][/center]

[center][u][b]Full Name[/b][/u]
Alexander W. Grant

[u][b]Alias(es) / Titl(es) / Nickname(s)[/b][/u]
Is called, "Alex" by his younger brother.



[u][b]Active Abilities[/b][/u]

- [b][u]Canine Physiology:[/u][/b] An odd ability at its finest. Alexander has discovered that he has the ability to shift his arms between that of a human and that of a wolf. This gives him increased strength and sharp claws that he can use to rip his opponents to shreds. It is generally controllable at will, however, it will react if Alexander feels enraged or threatened and his emotions will do the work from there.

- [b][u]Deconstruction:[/u][/b] Considered Alexander's best "weapon". Scientifically described as: the ability to deconstruct objects down to their smallest particles, and then reconstruct them into different objects composed of the same material(s). This ability, however, lacks the second portion and for lack of a better name has been nicknamed, "deconstruction". Alexander has a difficult time holding any control over this ability and anything he touches that is [u]not[/u] organic will always face a risk of being destroyed or at least broken in some shape, way or form.

[u][b]Passive Abilities[/b][/u]

- [u][b]Visual Telepathy:[/b][/u] Alexander has the ability to see the physical manifestation of the thoughts, feelings and on occasion, memories of others. He is currently unable to control the ability and henceforth why it is considered "passive". It often causes him to create hallucinations based on what he sees that he doesn't quite understand and sometimes, he has a difficult time determining reality from his imagination or the thoughts, memories or feelings of others and it may cause him to act out based on what he sees.


Generally seen as a confused individual. Alexander suffers from a bipolar and multiple personality disorder most likely as a result of the experimentation done on him. He can be extremely passionate and caring one moment, but fierce and aggressive the next. Nobody is really sure as to which is his "true side", not even his younger brother can entirely remember. He can be quite sensitive, relaxed and social, though he is often short-spoken. When he does speak, it is usually in a witty, sarcastic or even playful manner. People tend to be naturally attracted to his personality, after all, it can be quite approachable at times. As well as predictable and despite his second personality, Alexander can act as a "leader figure" for others. He can be quite soft on others and has shown that morality and mercy will always beat out justice. As mentioned before, he is quite compassionate and seems to truly understand the value of a life. However, as mentioned, he can become a different person quite sporadically, and will quickly become confused with reality and grow instantly violent, which will cause him to lash out and attack others, even at some points, Raven; in this form, it's like he has no personality at all. In this state, he is generally seen as sadistic, harsh and heavily critical towards others. He is also prone to making offensive jokes while in this stage as well.

His own hallucinations have become something for him to fear. Next to that, something or someone harming or killing his younger brother. Despite his carefree and relaxed nature, he will cringe if others get too close to him, showing a withdrawn from human affection and overall fear for their touch. Among his natural fears comes a sense of hydrophobia and the extensive fear of extremely high heights and falling from them. He isn't too good with airplanes and flying (probably due to never really going on one) and has an immense dislike for large furry/fuzzy spiders.

[u][b]Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks[/b][/u]
He "wears" his jacket as a blanket over his stomach when he sleeps. Though it is mainly static in his head, Alexander has admitted to enjoying a wide variety of music.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceXpGEGcUDg]Psycho[/url] - Puddle Of Mudd

When he's in an angry and aggressive state, he is likely to forget who Raven is and attack him. It is mentioned that Alexander is the last one to awake from his coma.

[hider=Raven E. Grant]
[i]"S-So. . you're all finally awake, huh?"[/i]

[u][b]Full Name[/b][/u]
Raven E. Grant

[u][b]Alias(es) / Titl(es) / Nickname(s)[/b][/u]
None currently.



[u][b]Active Abilities[/b][/u]

- [b][u]Cryokinesis:[/u][/b] Raven's only active and controllable ability. And a powerful one at that. Raven has the ability to freeze most of his surroundings to a subzero temperature and can generally create and manipulate ice. He is able to create ice in any of the natural forms it appears such as ice spikes to snowfall, however, he is not quite skilled enough to get "crafty" with it. He is still discovering his capabilities involving ice, but he seems "like a natural" when wielding it. He has a resistance to the cold.

[u][b]Passive Abilities[/b][/u]

- [b][u]Oneiric Cognition:[/u][/b] A strange ability that allows Raven to "see" and explore the dreams of others. Of course, they have to be nearby and asleep, though the ability, on the contrary, can be used while awake or asleep. Raven is not able to control this ability and it occurs randomly for him, especially prior to the RP with the other main characters. It can cause hallucinations once in a while, but he is generally able to tell when he is exploring a dream or not.

- [b][u]Precognition[/u][/b] Another uncontrollable "passive" ability that Raven possesses. It currently only works when he is asleep and it is almost impossible to decipher from a normal dream. As the name alludes to, it enables him to see events that are due to happen in the future, usually in an extremely short time-span. 

- [b][u]Empathy:[/u][/b] Far exceeds the idea of "natural empathy" or empathy from experience. This is that type of empathy, but on steroids and it cannot be switched off (or as at least as far as Raven knows). This ability activates randomly and sporadically and when it does, it allows Raven to feel the emotions of all those who are within a certain radius of him. Sometimes, it can confuse him from his own emotions and he may act out of turn of someone else's emotions instead of his own.


Raven can be a distant person and is outwardly seen as timid or shy. And to an extent, this is true, however, despite his cowardice, Raven will have bursts of adrenaline and become quite reckless, especially if it involves Alexander. His moments of bravery almost always come back to bite him. He is very "in-tuned" with his abilities and is overall, highly intuitive. This makes him highly sympathetic to those around him, despite his unwillingness to show it. Raven can be seen as cold, calculating and maybe a little too serious for his own good, but he's still a child at heart and certainly acts like one at times. He also has the tendency to isolate himself and seems like a loner, but gets lonely rather quickly. He is generally reserved and quiet, but has no problem defending his morals. He can be quite selfish, especially when it involves Alexander and he admits to having a difficult time of attaching to others. He becomes nervous while put under a stressful situation and is often unable to function correctly, showing a sense of anxiety. He is good at improvising, but not thinking fast or on his feet. He does not like being the center of attention.

One of Raven's weaknesses is his lack of physical ability as he cannot perform many tasks that are physically demanding due to his weak body. He is also afraid of fire, being buried alive and other "final destination" scenarios. He has the tendency to tire and become nervous quite easily. His ultimate weakness is his desire to take care of his older brother and the fact that he can be reckless. Like his brother, he also seems to suffer from isolation and cringe at the touch of others. He is squeamish around needles and blood. He is deathly afraid of snakes. 

[u][b]Special Abilities / Traits / Attributes / Quirks[/b][/u]
He no longer feels cold, but every once and while, he might wrap his arms up in reflex. 

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fia3HCuZgYI]So Cold[/url] - Breaking Benjamin

The cold never bothered him anyway.[/center][/hider]