[center] [b] The Board [/b] [/center] [i] Where the different jobs will be. [/i] ----- Tag: supplies dive Job payyer: Argonite- one of the cities metal worker in the west wing of the city Description: Tuseday morning as the new shipment of copper and bronze was being transported, three of the crates fell from the boat into the stream. it was a couple of minutes walk upstream from the grungy bridge. We need the three crates retrieved and in tact as soon as possible. the crates are heavy and each weighs aout 80 kilos. payment: twenty thousand jewels. TAG: infestation problem PAYYER: Rowena- The Old bakers granddoughter, at the northern part of town DESCRIPTION: Since the last rain, rats had managed to infest themselves in the bakers basement where he keeps all the supplies. Task is simple. Get rid of the rat problem. PAYMENT: five thousand jewels. TAG: New grain field [i] [Taken] [/i] PAYYER: Druss the old villager- southern farm DESCRIPTION: The old farmer wants to expand his grain fields. Since theres no more flat land around his property, He ask for help to level some ground for a new grain field and also plant the grain. offer ends with the next rain. PAYMENT: eighty thousand jewels. TAG: Shoo a bear away PAYYER: Artimasier –the town’s mayor DESCRIPTION: The western city folk are complaining that recently a young bear stays into the city street every now and then. Worried that it may hurt someone, they wish it scared and repelled away. PAYMENT: eighty thousand jewels. TAG: A trickster PAYYER: Eksodas – Siebens brother-fruit seller DESCRIPTION: In the afternoons when people are going home from work, there’s a trickster with different betting games. Only that people win only when he wants them too. He is using some sort of magic to swindle people for their hard worked money. The towns folk are ready to pay someone who will kick the trickster out of the city. PAYMENT: hundred thousand jewels TAG: missing person PAYYER: the Drolnoch family- owners of a healing house. DESCRIPTION: their daughter went into the mountains on Sunday to collect some herbs and she hasn’t been back till then. No one has seen her or heard of her since then. PAYMENT: hundred and fifty Thousand jewels TAG: Reconstruction PAYER : The Manager DESCRIPTION : A merchant guild is said to be reconstructed. Sadly, the construction workers canceled due to demanding higher pay. It's already half way done. They just need someone to finish it off. PAYMENT: 70,000 jewels (per person) or (170,000 jewels for one person)