"Don't worry, I can hold my own in a fight, believe me. At the very least, I am not foolish enough to take on situations where I will be killed easily. I do value my life, you know." The man that had followed Flint down to the lobby said, tugging on the fake tail that he had placed on himself. Flint kept quite, he had nothing to say to the man and hoped to get the whole charade over and done with as soon as possible. That way he could begin going on missions alone with just Yuki once again. Just how he liked it. "Say," Hitoshi spoke up after a bit of silence. "What is Yuki to you? A companion in combat? A weapon or shield? Of what importance is she to you?" he asked Flint. "Well when we paired up, her parents offered me a room to rent at there home. I took up the offer and have been living there ever since... She is a business partner but she sometimes sees me as an older brother." Flint looked to the older man. Despite his age he seemed capable, still in his prime. "But I know the dangers of becoming too emotionally attached to an initiator.." Flint said softly. It wasn't a good idea, and despite Flint knowing this he did care for his initiator. Maybe one day this would be his downfall