[img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/de/0e/99/de0e99ff8bf2676b2ce4599b2a8f630e.jpg[/img] Name: Frankie Waller Age: 21 Personality: Frankie is a very reserved person. She is quiet and thinks her plans through. She can be kind at times but only if she trusts you. And her trust is hard to gain due to the hardships she's faced. Weapon: Bow and Arrow Bio: TBR [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/ee/21/c3/ee21c33f09bf5c13a23b8e224d542ce3.jpg[/img] Name: Grace Morgan Age: 19 Personality: She is a very sweet person and kind. She looks delicate but she can be a very strong and determined person. She is brave and would risk her life for people. Weapon: Baseball bat Bio: TBR