Seikou and Akane walked Nanako to school, to see her off. "Have fun at school today" he waved her off with a smile, just as Nanako did to him. "You sure you don't want to go?" He asked Akane, as they were walking back. Seikou wanted to give Akane a good chance to live a normal life too, if she desired. He wouldn't force her. "Oh yeah, let's go check out Nomura Civil Security Corporation after Nanako gets home." He told Akane. They weren't going to go quite yet, since one, there were chores to do, and two there was still a speech he had to be make at the old Civil Security Corporation, due to being the best duo in the company. Usually Akane didn't speak during those time. He always made the speech short. Upon getting home, he made sure to clean the house and do the laundry. After having some lunch it was time to do the speech. Walking over to the Corporation building that was to be refurnished for another company, the President talked about his vision, what he wanted of the place, and how proud he was of his workers. [i]Same as always[/i] he thought. A lot of people knew Seikou, he was their best, and although not speaking often, he helped them out. They were curious as to what he is like when he speaks more than a sentence at a time. Suddenly it was time for him to speak. He walked up to the stage with Akane in tow. There were about 30 or so people, 10 of which were also initiator/promoter duos. "Hello everyone, as you know, I am Kazama Seikou, and this is Kurosawa Akane. It has been a pleasure working with you all for the past three months. We have enjoyed your company, and hope to see you all again sometime." Short and concise. Seikou's style. That was the general thoughts of everyone. As they disbanded, it was time to pick up Nanako. Walking over to her school, taking her home. They talked. This was the highlights of his day. "So, what did you do at school?" "Well, I heard about the infamous Yuki making Ms. Ushio, drink insects. She's such a prankster. We had a lot of fun with PE today. Oh Akane-nee san, how was the ceremony today? Oh, can we go to see Matsuzaki?" "Hahaha. That Yuki, she plays so many pranks. Alright let's go see Matsuzaki. In fact you can stay there while we head out for work." "Ok!" Nanako was the fourth oldest of the group that was with Matsuzaki, at least of the group still there that visited. She was becoming an older sister figure for the others. And would tell them stories about society. After visiting Matsuzaki, and dropping Nanako off, they finally went to Nomura Civil Security Corporation, with resume in his brief case that he always carried around, varanium gunblade in his hip holster. He just hoped they weren't going to ask too much. His resume was impeccable, with the years in service, the number of cases he completed, and the companies he had been with, with his rank. Although, the unfortunate thing was that the companies all were gone within three months usually. The longest being five so far. He hoped this time it would be different. Going to a more well known company. With Akane by his side, Seikou walked up to the front entrance of the Nomura Civil Security Corporation HQ.