SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Just got back from watching Maleficent at the movie theatre, and I gotta say, I LOVEEEEE RETELLINGS. So, Lil' Ol' Me has decided to get a little roleplay together taking a few little stories and turning them into something strange, wonderful, and alltogether different from the original tellings. As opposed to the movies that have come out with these WONDERFUL retellings, I do not plan on using Grimm Fairytails! They are wonderfully dark and endearing, true, but they are currently being overused and, hell, I guess I'm sort of a hipster with things. So instead, we shall deal with... MOTHER GOOOOOOSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE. Yeah, freaky huh? XD There are several stories in the "Mother Goose Universe," all of which aren't explained very well. We understand the three little piggies built houses that were blown down, Little Red was sabed from a wolf by a lumberjack, Lil' Bo Peep lost her sheep, Lil' Miss Muffet saw a spider. But what if we put a dark, but magical twist to these stories? Staining their innocence with the story that the world DOESN'T know? So, I want to do a sort of "nexus" style to which all Mother Goose stories, well-known and rarely told, are in the same world and happen relatively close to one another, with the characters weaving relationships in between stories, and obtaining personalities that we have no inclination of! As a start up, I'd like to reign in the stories of Lil' Red, The Three Pigs, and Miss Muffet and start with crafting those into a roleplay, then possibly intricating more like Goldilocks. Depending on what you guys bring to me. I can also deal with a few Grimm Fairy Tails, as long as I've never heard of them XD SO without further adieu, I set out this IntChk to see if anyone wants to do this with me, and take our childhood memories and pierce them with the maturity! Edit: The Pigs are mien.