Name : Calla Reed Age: 20 [hider=Appearance : ] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality : Partly due to her power, Calla is a very tough acting and out going person. She isn't afraid to speak her mind or do things her way. Of course, this means she isn't always one to play by the rules. Calla is an open book when it comes to emotions, her face says it all even if she tries to hide it. She's one of those people who seem like they never cry or feel pain, so it's rare to ever see her depressed or sad. Due to her back ground, Calla is a natural liar and one of the sneakiest people you'll ever meet. Despite how it may seem sometimes, she is loyal to her guild through and through. History : As a child, Calla grew up as the daughter of a dark guild master. Naturally she was expected to have amazing power but this didn't exactly work out. When she was ten and developed the ability to weaken or strengthen someone else's power, there was great disappointment in her. After that she was looked down on by her father and the rest of the guild. Deciding to try and make her useful, they forced her to master the art of combat, hand-to-hand, swordmanship, and some archery. After training for more than eight years, Calla became exceptionally skilled in fighting. However, when fighting another mage, there was always difficulty but now she was an official member of her father's dark guild at the age of 18. It didn't last long though. The next year her father's guild was destroyed by the new official guild of Fairy Tail. She found herself lost on where to go or what to do. That's when Kage offered her a position in the ranks of Fairy Tail despite her previous involvement with a dark guild. After hesitating, Calla eventually joined. Magic : [b] Augmentation Magic -[/b] Calla's magic is basically support magic. She is able to weaken the magic of enemies and strengthen the magic of comrades. The more magic she uses, the more affect it has. In close magic battles, it can be the deciding factor. The magic, however, has no form of being used to battle. This part of the magic is what makes Calla feel weak and useless at times, mainly since such feelings were drilled into her at a young age. Family / Relationships : Father is currently in prison. Mother's whereabouts are unknown. Other : She always has at least a sword with her and tends to wear nothing but armor on missions.