The guild was relatively quiet at the moment. The jobs were few due to how new it was still and it was beginning to cause some problems for the master as he constantly tried to advertise the new developing power of the guild. Of course, people were naturally cautious. After all, this wasn't exactly the same guild they heard tales about. Kage sat at the bar and took a swing of his drink. He grumbled something to himself and proceeded to pout like a small child who had been told no. His gaze wandered over to the job board. In silence he counted the postings. "Hmm... Five... It'll get them by for now I suppose..." he mumbled to himself. For a moment, he seemed a bit more composed as he ceased his pouting and straightened his posture. In this aspect, he looked more like a person of authority, as long as one did not know his regular nature. ----- In a far corner table of the guild, the quiet red, Eden, was asleep. Her hair spiraled out on the table her head rested on. Strands of it would gently flutter upward then be sucked towards her as she inhaled and exhaled, on the verge of snoring. She seemed peaceful but one look at her face and you could tell she had been rather worn out when she first fell asleep. The reason for this rested in the open book underneath her head. She had been working on a new enchantment, likely to bring fourth a new character. However, enchantments took a long time to create, especially if the character she was looking to bring fourth was powerful. The one she was currently working on wouldn't be done until the next year at the latest. The sound of the front door swinging open and hitting the wall with a bang caused the female mage to jolt awake. Her tired eyes took a moment to focus and figure out where the noise had came from. "I'm back." Calla announced as she walked in. She had currently been out on a small, local mission. It wasn't very difficult and the pay was minimal but a job was a job. Calla seemed satisfied enough since she had been able to complete it on her own without much hassle. Though she had accidentally destroyed a small fruit cart during the job.