Hizumi sighed as he couldn't stand the face of those people anymore. Their blatant fakeness seeming to drive home an hauntingly unjust situation. Even with his new Initiator though, he doubted that he could even bother to take on half of these people. Well more so in this attire. He followed the group for the most part and was glad to see that Ms. Matoi like he, decided to ignore the cane for now. They didn't have a right to say anything, not just yet. She seemed to talk to her pleasently as she was accustomed to, and she looked him in the eye for a moment. Matching their gazes and she sighed. “So, my husband will probably want you to bring her the next time you come and see us....off duty of course.” She stated with a smile. Looking down to the young blond lady, “Plus you know how he is with his whole support stuff. As for your normal schedule. I managed to send it to miss Nomura. Hopefully she will understand, and try her best to balance it out. Though I managed to limit your days, I still think you need to appear there atleast once in awhile. It would be odd otherwise. Plus you do have her with you now, maybe they can do a toss up...it could roll in some good money.” she stated teasingly as she signaled them both to follow. Hizumi just laughed lightly at the thought. “Well I have just met her, so let's try to wait a little longer before we start jumping to conclusions on that. We'd need practice and other more important things. She hasn't even seen where she'll be saying.” he stated kindly and looked down to her once more. Looking over her to make sure she wasn't hurt from that fall a second time. Only to see the driver seeming to be waiting patiently. “At least we weren't that long though..” “Well...” Ms. Matoi stated as she held the doors open for the two, “Miss Nomura did call while you were up there. It seems...you may be moved to a different assignment first, then you will meet up with the rest of the team.” She stated calmly, though she was slightly distressed in her voice. She waited for the group to move before letting the doors shut. Moving to catch up with them, as they walked at the pace that Nozomi set. They weren't really in any rush...well maybe they were but Ms.Matoi didn't seem to show the need to push any pressure on them. “So, Nozomi,” Hizumi began as the door was opened for them by the driver. “How do you think of this first meeting.” He says kindly as he waits for her to enter the car. ---- Kiri, for the most part remained silent. She was more interested in seeing where this was going before taking up anything for the group. Plus it would allow her to just...evaluate the people further. The man seemed to have...a sort of kindness to him. Which she figured was all well, but she wasn't going to turst him just as easy as that. It was going to take some time of course. “I hope you guys understand that you should take up this job sooner then later. Since you already have a volunteer...you can all leave.” She however stopped her gaze on Marius, as she moved to her office. Seeming to be uncaring about what unfolded. Flint knew for the most part the location, if anything she would have it sent to his cell. She looked to him as she sat down in her chair and the door closed. Cutting her off from the group, whom she merely had for the most part, watched and nodded the conversation away. “I trust Flint and Yuki. They seem fairly competent and they don't fail their jobs. Sure Yuki's cuteness may be a drag for me. But I guess i'm just that way with mostly all the Cursed Children.” She stated as she looked to the ceiling of the building. She picked up her phone for a moment, and pushed a button on it while lifting up her finger as a sort of, hold that thought to Marius. “Yes, this is Nomura. I want you to know that you are late. So we'll be giving you a different Mission. I'll be seeing that you are provided the details after you reach the address sent to you.....yes I understand, i'll check over his schedule. Hopefully we can come to an understanding. Thanks.” Kiri, kept her voice calm, but commanding in the phone call. Then turned her gaze back to Marius. “You'll have to do me a favor...i'll need you to meet the new recruits. Of course i'll make sure i'm close enough to watch the investigation...i'll just have to set up a few things, and tell my vice that i'll be heading out. They'll take care of things here while I evaluate them. Yuki, and Flint will give me a good report on theres. Then they both should be meeting in with a certain detective if his information proves right. Though...that will be the end of the introductions it seems for now...” she stated as she looked up to the ceiling once more.