For the - How many times now? She couldn't remember. It had been too many times. Too many times. - Evette Rossen lay awake in her bed, looking up at the dark ceiling. She was tired, but that was okay since she was always tired recently. She could sleep, but if she did... Evette let her eyes droop shut. [i][b]BANG[/b][/i] Her eyes snapped open, pulse quickening. She could sleep, but if she did the memory would pounce. She tried to keep it back, to just not think about it, but it was there when she closed her eyes. Just like that night, when she'd opened her eyes to a black ceiling and the sound of shots already fading into silence. Then breaking glass as he fell, hitting the table and sending a vase off the edge. She tried to fight it, but she remembered it all. Evette looked at the clock beside her bed. It read just past ten. She'd gone to bed at eight. She needed to sleep. Her body couldn't go on any longer without sleep, so why did it feel so awake? She got up and walked to the bathroom. Filling a cup with water and tossing a handful of relaxant pills in her mouth, Evette downed the glass. Her body needed sleep. At some point after that she must have fallen asleep, or blacked out, because she found herself dreaming. For once her head wasn't filled with the sound of gunshots. She didn't even think to get up and look at the strange square of green and blue, she just lay on her back and closed her eyes. It felt too good to move. Apparently she wasn't supposed to go back to sleep, as the invisible floor she rested on seemed to tilt to make her fall into the strange hole. The new dreamplace was brighter than the black room, but the ground was softer. Evette just lay her arm over her eyes and rested. Whatever this dream was of, at least if had the decency to let her sleep. She heard loud noises, like children playing, or fighting, there really wasn't much difference between the two sounds. Evette couldn't have cared less about her surroundings. This was her dream, and she would do what she wanted in it. Right now, she wanted to sleep.