Akane smiled when hugging Nanako just before she left. There was a moment of regret when Seikou asked if Akane didn't want to go with her. She just shook her head no before looking back at Nanako. Sometimes she liked the idea of just going to school with friends, but right now she wanted to atleast be there when they essentially said goodbye to the company. [B]"We're a team so I guess we can say goodbye as a team. Your going to be talking this time right?"[/B] she asked attempting to hide the fact that she was nervous about speaking to a group of people. Talking while more than 10 people are looking at her was as nerve wracking as fighting Gastrea. "Oh yeah, let's go check out Nomura Civil Security Corporation after Nanako gets home." Akane frowned knowing this was coming. A new place with new people felt like work for her. Not really nerve wracking just more work to get to know more people. Of course she rarely regretted it except for a few incidences. They left to the company and after hearing the President give his speech it was time for them. Seikou was quick as ever, but before they could leave she took his place and began to speak. [B]"Also t-thank you for your help everyone. It was great!"[/B] a slightly noticeable red tint was beginning to show on Akane's face before she ran over to Seikou. Any other time she would have stayed silent but now it felt like the moment to speak a little. They were both leaving anyway. "Well, I heard about the infamous Yuki making Ms. Ushio, drink insects. She's such a prankster. We had a lot of fun with PE today. Oh Akane-nee san, how was the ceremony today? Oh, can we go to see Matsuzaki?" [B]"Whoa that's so gross! The ceremony wasn't that exciting. No one was drinking bugs at least I didn't smell anything but coffee."[/B] Stories like this made her hate missing out on school when doing a job. Whenever Nanako talked to her about her day she laughed, smiled and just talk, but in reality she just couldn't shake away the feeling she didn't deserve it. Not after what she did. Eventually they ended up at Nomura Security HQ. Akane was immediately on alert just by being here. There were plenty of guards around which was surprising in comparison to the other companies. [B]"Wow do big companies usually have so many guards?"[/B] Akane asked while scanning the area. For now all she could do was sniff out the place to get their scent. Seikou always knew when she was like this. More like a nervous habit so she can familiarize herself with new surroundings. It was also something she did for her partner. Ever since she nearly killed those men while regretful it did make her suspicious of people more so than Gastrea. Akane still wants to be the protector even now.