when he pointed in the direction of his home, She laughed a little, "Well, what is the point of knowing the general direction?" He smiled and then said, "well nothing. Just so you know wherein I am." He watched her as She turned and started to walk backward as she looked at a passing car. Turning to face forward again she grinned and hopped a little up onto the curb and looked at him when he asked her where she wanted to go. She looked around as they walked, eyes wide with wonder, "I haven't a clue..." She moved slightly as a woman walked by talking into something pressed against her ear. Nyima could hardly begin to imagine what it was that she was talking into. She clasped her hands in font of her as she looked up at Rayn, "What is your favorite place in the whole city? Could you take me there after?" she smiled up at him, "You have your work cut out for you," she blushed slightly, "I don't really know much of anything about Republic City..." He smiled and said "I kinda figured" as he chuckled and continued towards the market. Soon they came around a corner and saw a huge open air market in the middle of a town square. With actual stores surrounding the square. He then said, so here is the market, you can get pretty much anything here you want. " he looked at her and asked. "Anything you need? " with a smile. As tey would walk through the stalls he would stop to let her look at things. Answering questions as they popped up. Some of them so childish it was cute. It was understandable of course, the northern kingdom was stuck in the past. Which was interesting to Rayn. He wouldn't have minded living simple like that.