Sieben was on his way to the guild. In his pocket was one of the rats he managed to catch this morning. His veins were wrapped around her. Slowly , a drop at a time he was drinking away her blood. He saw his comrade Darren in front of him, just as he walked into the guild. Couple of minutes later Sieben walked inside as well. He heard the girls talk, but didn’t pay much attention to them. He walked straight to the board and began reading the jobs. There he saw an average job offer. Hunting a cursed animal. 'i can see why no one hires us. This thing is an average job offer and it’s been here for three days.' He thought to himself. Though it was allot to read, it was still quite a decent mission. Over hearing Darren and Kage, Sieben took the job offer and walked to Derren. “ well my blind friend if you want you can help me put down some dark cursed ox. We split the hundred thousand jewels in half. What do you say?” Sieben asked leaning on the table in front of the sword bearer.