Calla rolled her eyes slightly at Ophelia's look and words. She lowered her gaze the floor seeming a tad bored now. Perhaps she would take another job soon. She certainly debated it but didn't quite seem up for it. Instead a good meal sounded much more appealing at the moment. Her stomach let out a soft growl at the thought and her cheeks heated up with embarassment. Of course, she played it off like it wasn't her and that she hadn't heard anything. -- New footsteps, slow but steady ones, were heard. Eden was now up and fully away. The fly on the wall who had not yet said a word was now approaching the job listings. Her face remained emotionless as usual as her eyes read over the different listings. A small spark of interest emerged in her eyes as he graze fell on a particular offer. She neatly torn the job off of the board and then procceeded to walk over to Ophelia and Calla. She laid the job out then stood there in silence waiting for their responses. It was her way of asking if they wanted to take part in this particular job. In her eyes, it seemed fitting enough for both of them. The offer was made by a wealthy lord who was looking for local mages to put on a performance of their magic at his son's upcoming birthday party. The pay wasn't bad but split between the three of them, it wouldn't amount to much.