(Aww, poor Jurgen. xD I almost feel sorry for him now...almost.) Jurgen seemed pretty disappointed and confused now. Nothing she could do about that. So she decided she wasn't going to worry about it either. [i]"I wonder if that's normal though, a human and an android as couple...heh."[/i] She thought to herself as she focused her eyes on the TV again. Some show about how tough the job of a junkyard scavenger was. "After so many years they still show reality TV..." She spoke to herself. Though that brought about a weird thought. [i]"Wait...so many years? But...I was only activ-- No wait...I was activated a previous time. So...my brain chip was recycled? Or maybe data downloaded into a new brain chip? Huh...that's odd."[/i] She thought to herself, noticing that she seemed to find more and more 'odd' things about herself, or things that had to do with her. "Anyway, there was some commercial on the TV a minute ago. Something about an arena tournament. How about we get tickets and watch how the big guys fight? Could get me some valuable data for the future, right?" Well, she planned on going with or without him. Apart from a certain set of laws that were programmed into her, like staying with her owner and never intentionally harming him, she did have free will programmed into her as well. But going without even asking him sounded like it would ruin the mood between them a little.