"Of course Kiri. Same as usual though. Your vice knows when you have to leave to attend to other matters. Might not have to even tell him", Marius responds to Kiri's request. Much like Kiri, Marius leans back and also stares at the ceiling. Perhaps thinking about business as well as other important matters. Then Marius decided to tell her about his presence here today. "Miss Kiri...if you must know, I wasn't called her on just bodyguard duties. Your father called me in to do as you just said and more. He wants me to to go along with your new recruits and assist with this 'possible' Gastrea situation. It was quite a surprise for me too when you consider his overprotective nature." Taking a deep breath, he then fished around his pants pocket and brought out a familiar deck of normal playing cards. He then began to shuffle them as he continued to speak while still looking at the ceiling. "...more important, I've also hit my own set of problems. For one, financial problems. Mercenary work doesn't really cut it much these days with everyone relying on Civil Security groups, the IISO and such. Doesn't help either that my old Civil Security group have been harassing me to return to work with them. But eh...they blew it when I saw how quick to hatred they wanted to release on someone. And treason charges would do that nicely. Despite their apologies, I rather take my chances on the streets. Even more so with...'him' still lurking out there...somewhere..." Marius then stopped shuffling the deck then drew the top card. Looking down at the card he drew, he saw a queen of hearts. He then turned the card around to show it to Kiri then said, "Next card. High or low? Guess correctly and I'll also let you in on something I have a hunch on..."