Hi guys, just a heads up - my posting time will continue to be a bit warped for the rest of this week. This week is when all my papers and presentations are due, so I'm gonna be all over the place. I'll do my best to get in a post daily though, even if it's tiny. :D (Won't be able to post this morning since I've got hw/appointment, but I'll shoot for tonight after class! ... although I might skip it since I'm still sick :S) Finals are next week, but... they're all back to back on Tuesday lol. Which is both a blessing and a curse. But I'll still post in the morning on Sat-Mon so I'll be back to AM posting after this week. XD It's just today through Friday I'm gonna be more quiet/MIA than usual. Thanks for understanding! *salute* Also Buns the pic looks killer |D And Fox, gimme some o that >:U