Of course, Helena just had to continue with her training again. As if that were the most important thing there was. She hardly ever spent time doing something else than training and whatnot. Why did she found that so great and interesting anyway? Commoners were meant to fight on the battlefield, not royals. As a member of the royal family, one had to be courteous, willing and capable to rule a country, and of course to simply enjoy the wealth and fame that came with it. That was just a perfect life. Shrugging off the thoughts, she turned her attention back to the captain and smiled again. "Why sister, I must say that's a very good idea. I would love to hear some news from outside of the castle, if of course, sir Vilgorl wishes to tell us so." Katherine was being exceptionally friendly towards Ada, and she was aware of that. Normally spoken, she was much meaner, but she couldn't start acting mean and ruin her chances, now could she? Without waiting for a response of her mother or saying something to either the queen, her sisters or the captain, Helena left the hall and headed to where she always trained, smiling when realised that Richard was still there. "Hello." She greeted, causing the ash blonde man to turn to look at her, a smile appearing on his face. "You're back fast. Don't you have to be with that captain?" Helena shrugged. "He's much more interested in Ada and Katherine anyway. Besides, I'd much more prefer being with you." She answered, placing a short, soft kiss on his lips.