And my internet is finally working again. Hallelujah. I need to catch up on the posts still, but I wanted to ask how everyone was? 8D I hope you're all having a terrific day! Buns, that gif is awesomes and Fox, that cake ;w; Rex, best of luck with all of your approaching finals. You'll kick ass like you always do c; Danni, good luck with work and good luck with all your schoolwork, Kathi! Kei I hope you're enjoying your summer freedom c| I have some news to deliver. And to help me deliver my news, I have brought along my trusty assistant... [b]PACHAKUMA.[/b] [center][img][/img] Did somebody say my name? Wellllllllcome! It's finally that time! The time where we all decide on what we should do with our delightful chapter's guest rper. Time... for a class trial! After a heated discussion round, we ultimately moved on to the voting round... [i]upupupu...[/i] [img][/img] And it was time to decide... TO [b]KILL[/b] OR TO [i]KILL[/i] [img][/img][/center] [hider=THE VOTES]"I vote for keep OwO)/" "Kill or kill?!?!?! Can I... can I just vote not guilty instead or however this works?! D: But nah I vote in." "I choose a third option! Not Kill or Kill…but KEEP!" "Kill or kill? I want the option that hurts her less :> You know, so she could continue to RP with us. Tallyho! [img][/img]" "[img][/img] SO THEREFORE I VOTE 'OR'! I vote Lulu to stay of course psh"[/hider] [center]... [img][/img] [b]WHAT IS THIS?![/b] DON'T ANY OF YOU UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF TO [I]KILL[/I] OR TO [U]KILL[/U]?!?![/b] [img][/img] You're making me all [b]beary[/b] angry!!! Perhaps I should just punish you all... [img][/img] Oh well. I'll get every single of you [i]next[/i] time. Enjoy your newfound freedom and happiness, Kei. It'll only make the ultimate despair all that much swee-NGAAAAHHHH!!!! [img][/img][/center] ... ... ... ...welcome to our happy dysfunctional family, Kei 8D As well as the good news of Kei's arrival, we unfortunately do have some bad news. Tae has decided to leave, effective immediately, due to a buildup of too much stress from the rp and a desire to focus and pursue other interests, which is totally fine. Tae helped to build Tales into the successful rp that it is and it wouldn't be the same without her help and humour, and whilst it'll be all the poorer for her departure, we'll be able to soldier on and endeavour to keep making it the very best that it can be. The rp is always open for Tae to rejoin if or when she ever so chooses. See ya later, Goguma girl.