Nyima's eyes widened when the market came into view. It was huge and nothing like anything she had seen in the north. Sure, they had stores but all of them were inside and most of them sold things people needed, this seemed to sell more things that people wanted. She shook her head when Rayn asked if there was anything she need, "No, I'm fine with what I have until I can pay for what I need," she looked at him and smiled, "I owe you enough already, I don't need to owe you anymore." They walked slowly through the market and Nyima explored. Every once in awhile, she'd turn to him and ask a question about this or that. He might chuckle at her obliviousness to the world that was progressing outside of the North Water Tribe. She didn't mind though. It wasn't rude laughter. He'd tell her what each thing did to best of his ability in detail. Nyima grinned as he did, completely baffled by what the North was missing out on. She looked around and found a booth with familiar objects. She ran over to it and smiled, "You are from the Northern Water Tribe!" The old woman behind the table laughed a little at her enthusiasm. She nodded, "I am... Although, I haven't heard anyone get that excited about it in sometime." Nyima ran her fingers over the objects at the booth, "I used to live there," she picked up a hair comb with a flower, that looked to be frozen, on the top, meant to be worn in the hair on special occasions, "I used to have one of these..." She smiled softly at the item, "My mother gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday." She placed it back down and bowed at the woman, "You have beautiful wares. They remind me much of home." She stepped away from the booth and took a deep breath. She missed home already but she didn't want to go back. She looked over her shoulder at Rayn, "This is a lot to take in... The world is far different here...."