EEP POSTED! Ehhh sorry bout dah rule *punishes self* Tried to put in some character interaction there since its about time we start making some actual bonding. Fox is rite(well ur always right GM duhhhhh). We need to make some relationships happen. Lovey dovey pervertedness isn't enough peoples. We need some true feelings here! *blows whistle and throws friendship dust everywhere* WEEE! OHMAHGERDDDDDDDD DAT INTERVIEW. So awesome. And I wuv Numnums. He comin back right? Wow he's a traitor doe. Livin' wid dah hooded figures! *clenches fist* It's ok. He's sexy. Sexy people can do what ever they want. Yeah I'm shallow. So what? Dun judge bruh *o* Muhahaha Lesley. Jasper is here to take ur babeh aways. No, no just kidding. My pale albino stick cannot compete with such smexy pink curls. Jasper: "Wah?! *runs off to a corner and cries* \(TToTT)\" Anon: *GASPSSS* You live in Kansas? Me too metoo!!! Overland Park! Am I giving away too much info?? OMGEE DON'T TAKE MAH SOULLLLL (0o0)/