"A pre-match fight huh? Sure why not. Is it okay if I tell those guys in the bar to bet on me separate from each other? I mean, about 25 guys betting on me shouldn't make the odds go down that much right? And this time you can bet more money as well, so more return." She figured they still had a good few thousand left. Or at least a thousand or so. [i]"I really suck at math..."[/i] She thought as she awaited his answer. If he said no, well...one bar's clients being pissed at her wasn't that much of a problem. After a minute or so she spoke up again. "Say...I plan to scout out a bar this evening. Want to come with, or?" He had said he wasn't the bar type, but going with someone made things different right? Plus, she planned on finding a good bar. One that had a friendly bartender and customers at least. Or, if that wasn't possible, the bar with the least amount of thugs. Eve took the remote and switched to a different channel. After going through a few she found one that looked pretty interesting. One about history's wars. Specifically one about a war that started 76 years ago. The war was mostly fought with robots and some androids. Only the small strike teams called 'Panzer Abteilung' were cyborgs. "Huh..." She mused. "Panzer Abteilung...sounds familiar. Say Jurgen, you wouldn't know anything about me being activated in the past before by any chance?" She asked the man, wondering if it was just her imagination...if she even had such a thing.