And with Fox's post, we have the end to Chapter 10 and our first co-gm chapter! All I can say is... wow. I think everyone will agree that Fox deserves a round of applause for that haunting post and the rest of her chapter, which was absolutely awesome! I had so much fun with this chapter and everyone helped to make it really incredible. It was so diverse and exciting, from incredibly creepy, horrifying nightmare scenarios to... well, blobfishes, Don Mechs, and giant monsters in dresses. It shouldn't work, and yet in Tales... it really, really does. So hats off to Fox, and my deepest, deepest thanks for doing this for everyone ^^. It's been so much fun and has really given me a lot of confidence for this co-gm chaptering idea. I look forward to our next co-gm chapter with Danni, and with future chapters where Fox has the lead again >8D Next time we'll have to be even more horrible! >83 Next 2-3 days will involve a short epilogue, focusing on our characters reactions to Fox's haunting conclusion as well as see a bit of interaction and lightheartedness between characters. It will also involve Lisette and Selan leaving, Lute joining, and a bit of setup for Danni's cogm chapter. It'll be fun. :) Best of luck with your week, guys! Also [i]holy crap we have finished 10 chapters[/i]