With the two mages getting closer to the farmer, and one of them calling out to him, the old man stopped his work in his field to look at them. To be honest, he was expecting a bit more. One of them was just a kid, and couldn't be older than eighteen. The other one looked a bit more qualified, as he looked older. The two of them side by side made the farmer believe that they were younger and older than they actually were, and he wasn't quite sure what to expect. "Thank you two for coming here. I don't know what happened to it, but it's my prized ox. I'll pay you more if you can bring it back to normal without hurting it too much."

As good as the deal sounded, Darren shook his head and looked forward blankly. "I don't think we can do that, sir." He told the farmer. "We don't have the slightest idea of how to bring it back, and the only real option is killing it. I'm sorry about your ox." While the farmer looked at him oddly, he understood that the best idea would be to kill it and see what happens. They weren't there when the transformation happened, and even if they were, it probably wouldn't help them at all. 

The farmer sighed at the two and nodded. "Alright then. Got and kill it and see what happens. Thanks for the honesty, boy..." He looked at Darren oddly again and saw that his face was completely relaxed, and his light green eyes were only focused straight forward. "Well, best be off fighting that beast then. If you guys are anything like the old guild, and there's probably going to be some destruction along the day." He chuckled to himself. "Well, off with you two. go and put that thing to sleep."



The yell you a young woman could he heard from afar, startling a few people as a blur of silver passed through the streets. Nobody was hurt by the blur, but a few people were knocked back by the wind that followed it. Whatever it was, it seemed to be going in the direction of the guild hall. A few of them know who it was that created the blur, and weren't all that phased by it, but the few that didn't know were scared that Magnolia was being under attack. 

Sasha found that using her Velocity Saber was the best for of high speed travel, and although it did use some magic, she would get it back relatively fast. She had heard of another guild member from lng ago that did something like what she was doing, but it was far more destructive, and ever required the city to move to that nobody was hurt during his entrance. She couldn't remember his name exactly, but she was sure that it had something to do with a guild. Moving her thoughts aside, the young woman began to slow down as she reached the guild. She had done this a few times before, and had a good guess about how much magic to use while doing it. Once her blade stopped propelling her forward, her legs touched the ground and she ran into the guild, trying her best to stop before the his anyone. Luckily, she stopped before that, and looked around with a smile. "Hey everyone!"