[quote=Brovo]#1 If it's verbal abuse, what do you do, what avenues are available, and in what order do you do those things? (ex: Do you first attempt to communicate, then turn to others for help, then resort to violence as a last resort? Is there an ordered structure, is it one option only, is it situational dependent?) #2 If it's physical abuse, what do you do, what avenues are available, and in what order do you do those things? #3 If it's physical or verbal abuse by a parent, what do you do, what avenues are available, and in what order do you do those things?[/quote] I'm assuming by #1 you mean "verbal abuse" and not "non-verbal abuse". In all three cases I say the exact approach does vary on a case by case basis. Otherwise we are subscribing to a one size fits all approach which has been proven time and time again to never work.