Sam pulled the car to an angled stop, giving both occupants a good view of the building that the suspect was held up in. Sam opened his door, using it for cover, as he took aim, wanting to stop the suspect in his tracks right then and there, but no luck, with no good view or shot on the gun wielding manic, he shut the door, and decided to vault over the bonnet of his patrol car. He reached the injured officer, who was receiving medical attention from a fellow officer. "How is he?" Sam asked, crouching down, but aiming at the doorway to the suspect. "Not in a good way. To be honest, I don't think I can keep him alive much longer. We need the medics ASAP" Sam looked to his partner. "Rookie, you're up. Time to show what you're made of. On me" Sam said, as he took a side alleyway, hoping to flank the potential cop killer.