As the group walked towards their car, Nozomi wondered what the two of the were talking about. [i]Toss up?[/i] She thought to herself. [i]What could he possibly work as that would allow a ten year old to appear alongside him. A cursed child, at that.[/i] Nozomi pondered over this as the the group moved, not paying any particular attention to what the rest of them where saying at that point. She quickly gave up, deciding that it wasn't worth the effort. She'll likely find out soon enough. She looked back up from the ground and saw that it was just the three of them now. Nozomi turned her head to find the man who escorted them peering through the glass doors of the building, and allowed herself to grin cheerfully. [i]Finally, on to better things.[/i] She was certain that henceforth her life could do nothing but improve, and remained optimistic about her situation. Hizumi stopped when they got to the car, and as the door was being opened for them spoke. "So, Nozomi, how do you think of this first meeting?” To be honest she had set her standards quite low, and so Nozomi was thrilled to be paired up with such a seemingly decent person, and a woman she expected to see frequently. She wouldn't let herself get too excited though, as these things tend to turn for the worst, and she doesn't want to put too much faith in comradery. Her thoughts drifted to the people she used to consider family, but quickly banished them to the back of her mind. No sense in ruining a good thing after all. Nozomi smiled and looked up at Hizumi. "Fantastic." She said both plainly and honestly. Nozomi used her cane to lift herself up to the seat, and scooted over to the side. When she was at rest, she allowed her cane to sit idly on her lap as she stared towards the closed side of the car, disappointed at the blackened windows. She turned back towards Hizumi and watched him enter the car himself. She fastened her seat belt, forcing her to set her cane beside her. "I take it that we aren't going home just yet." Nozomi inquired. "Where exactly are we heading now?" She asked as she waited for the car to start moving.