Good mornight guys ^^! Oblivon, Phones, roll call please. And the next game will be pretty similar ^^ we're going to put the guides' and humans' names in a random generator that'll pair 'em up, the pairs will then ask each other questions. Unlike the last round of Q & A, this time it'll be the characters asking and answering in character. I'm going to work on a post this afternoon :D! It's time we move on to the finale. And as for the game, here are the pairs in order ^^! Inadi and Leon will be going first. 1. Inadi and Leon 2. Ace and Brandy 3. Hakuren and Songbird 4. Martini and Riley 5. Harper and Leila 6. Jasper and Lesley [youtube]PvPkLG-tvzM[/youtube]