Sieben listened to his companion talking to the farmer. Truth to be told he was quite glad that they were talking. Darren was longer in the guild than Sieben and since Sieben didn’t want to mess something up on his first job, Darren was doing him a favour. By talking to the farmer he gave Sieben fewer chances to mess up and an opportunity to learn from him. After the two finished talking the farmer went inside the house. 
Sieben turned to Darren “so my dear friend, shall we embark on an epic quest of hunting down an ox. Which makes me think, do you know where we should start looking for it.” Just as he finished his sentence a strong howl could be heard an a loud cracking noise. The cracking was from the lightings that hit into the town behind them, but Sieben didn’t think so. Also he was getting more and more nervous what to do and when the howl stopped his nerves got the better of him. “Okay there it is let’s go” he said, shooting veins from his hands into the closest trees and then pulling himself towards them. He didn’t wait to see if Darren followed, for he was sure that his companion was right behind his ass.