As the patrol car came to a sudden jolt, Sarah climbed out with no time given to the suspect's gun sights. Fortunately, or maybe not so, the maniac was deep inside the store in order to shelter from the police, and make it hard for them to make any kind of assault. It worked both ways though - that numbskull was under siege. Somebody had to make a move... That someone was Sam Swarek! At the name 'Rookie' being called, Sarah rushed after the Sarge with her handgun drawn low. He'd said he wouldn't put the green recruit in too much danger, but 'that was the job'. Couldn't be helped. Every newbie wanted their shot at glory though, right? Funnily enough she was already well into the role she had to play. Weapon safety off, trigger discipline, keeping a staggered formation behind Sam so as she could quickly raise the pistol if their gun-toting friend tried to make a break for it. Sarah was silent. She looked focused. But deep down she was wondering if this could have a peaceful ending...