Flint looked up and noticed what must have been an initiator/promoter pair. "Just stay with me and don't talk too much.." Flint said to Hitoshi as he walked to one of the high ranking guards "My briefcase is in Ms Nomura's office could you go get it for me?" The guard nodded and left for the elevator as Flint walked out to the front of the building. He walked up to the pair. Waving away the guards that where about to question them. "Greetings I am Flint White you must be the newbies?" He asked then, without waiting for a response, turned away from them "You are late, we will be going to a building where gastrea have been reported. I imagine you will have a lot of questions. Most I can not answer as of yet. We will investigate the incident and I will be observing you. If I or my initiator, who will meet with us on the way, like what we say you may be considered to become valuable members of this corporation. Now if you don't mind we should be getting moving" As the guard came back with his gun case, Flint looped it over his shoulder and began to walk away from the building, hoping the others would follow. He took out his cell phone and texted Kiri [I]"I have got the newbies, going to the address you gave me, call if you need anything."[/I]