The red hue of the sacred blade was brought to light, as the infamous mage, Azure, held it out in front of him. This was an invitation to a duel, and it was too late for the Zander to turn back now. Zander was panting, but nowhere near close to exhausted. It looked as if the Azure was already tired from everything. Zander obviously saw his advantage and exploited it, going at Azure with all his might and speed. Zander pulled out his glistening axe and swung violently but precisely at the dark robed mage. The sharp edge of Zander's axe, en route to Azure's neck, would misses by a few inches. Every time Zander swung his axe, the blade would come so close, but the agile mage would block or evade it somehow. But Zander was wearing him down, and both Zander and Azure knew it. It may have seemed that the tables have turned in this war against the magic users but that was quite the contrary, as Azure pulled out the ruby sword to fight instead of defend. Azure's stolen sword cut through Zander axe like butter. A swift, clean cut straight through the top of the blade. Another one struck, slicing off the rest of the blade. It was nothing more than a stick with some leather straps holding the air in place. He throw the stick aside and called upon the divinity of the light to aid him in his battle against this terrible foe. Light had coursed through Zander veins before he used it in practice, sending a multitude of squares towards the magic user. Every square shot at him the nimble mage avoided, as if he knew where the speeding light was going and moving out of the way accordingly. Zander did however, manage to pierce Azures right hand with one of the small light squares. The small light squares Zander had been shooting were so small and condensed, they would almost explode with light as they struck the rock walls behind Azure, all but one. Azure's hand gave off a faint smell, a smell that Zander had been accustomed to over the many years of his service as a paladin. It was the smell of something burning, a mixture between burning flesh, blood, and leaves. The smell hadn't bothered Zander anymore, in fact it pleased him, it meant he had struck his target and that his target didn't have enough magical power to dissipate the light. Zander face went from something of a satisfying look to a look of worry and concern, he watched Azure threw away the burning mana. The faint smell became null, and wounds of the light were healed. Zander paused for a second, as he watched the horrifying mage stand back up after all that he has been through. Zander was gathering more light to be shot out of his hands when the mage had yelled something. It sounded like it had a "O" in it but he could be wrong, with a bright flash and crash of noise a portal appeared deep in the tunnels. Azure was getting away. Before Azure had stepped into the portal, Zander had a quick second to see what was inside of it. Zander stood in silence as he saw hundreds of mages just a few meters away. Zander could see all th varying mages inside this portal, all them being on the other side probably looking back at Zander. Zander let Azure step through and watched as it closed behind him. Zander slammed his fist on the ground,"Shit!" he shouted to himself. Zander had just let the most deadliest sorcerer get away. Slip through his fingers. Just like that. This felt like a burden Zander would always have to carry. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zander had waken from his his sleep with the same grumpy face he had on when he went to bed last night. Zander went through the routine; Make a cup of coffee, sit down on a chair somewhere outside, drink his coffee slower than molasses, than finally go and see the inquisitor. He marched through the front gates of the inquisitor HQ, even thought he wasn't one, and walked through and past the main courtyard. He walked through the various doors and hallways until he was in the infirmary, looking at the head inquisitor. Eyes of the guards were piercing Zander's soul, and he could feel their gaze on him as he loomed over the unconscious head inquisitor Sebastian. A man in heavy armor had walked into the infirmary with a bundle of clothes. He'd spoken to Zander about various things, before they headed to find Varkasan, where ever he was. Soon after, Zander followed the mysterious man into the dwarven tunnels. What was once a chaotic battleground, is now a cheerful exotic community, booming with liveliness. They marched right past the stands, making it clear they weren't here to buy no foreign rugs that were on sale. The ended up passing the massive hole in the wall that Azure and himself once fought at. It felt like it was just hours ago, but days had gone by since that time. They eventually stopped at a cave entrance, a dark ominous one at that. Zander paid little to no attention to the guide who was telling the two candidates about this place. "This place is huge...I wonder whats inside" Zander pondered as he blissfully ignored the very important speech that was being given. He trance was snapped when a thick green back was pushed into his stomach. Without his armor on Zander could feel every little thing, the feeling wasn't alien to him, but a little uncommon. The guide walked off after wishing Zander and Varkasan luck one more time. Zander looked at Varkasan with a questionable expression on his face,"Is this where we're going to do the Withc hunter trials?" The question might as well have answered itself, Zander was already stressing over the subject before Varkasan could reply. His words only confirmed it though. Zander wasn't sweating or shaking or even looking around in an odd fashion he stood there, still as a brick house, giving off no sign of his discomfort. "Varkasan, did he tell us how to make it out of here? or what we're looking for exactly? I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention..." Zander said with a slight bit of hesitation. Zander felt like an idiot. Here he was gawking at the scenery of the cave while one of the most important speeches given to him, regarding the paladins, is happening right in front of him. He slowly started walking into the cave. The light became dim and scarce with every step. This cave was merciless when it came to engulfing you in darkness.