"So what made you get back into the game with the Aurochs?" Alex asked curiously. He sighed and after a moment said, "I just wanted to play again, and under Tidus coaching a team picked by him would be awesome..." He was distracted as he noticed a woman pushed over. But before he or Alex could react, Urick was there already. Despite the size of the man he had reflexes better than himself. Then suddenly a large fiend appeared. The people in the crowd who did not know how to fight began to scream and run in every direction they felt was the best course. Gippal sword slid out of his sheath with out a second thought as he attempted to head the fiend off from the pedestrians. But before he could take more than three steps a woman on a chocobo rushed by and in one slash of blazing swords felled the fiend in almost an instant. Freezing it as it shattered and the Periflies whisper away. He never seen an attact like that, not one that caught the blade on fire, not to mention the flame freezing the fiend. He lowered his sword while staring at the woman lost for words and confused at what he saw. He was pulled back into reality as hybrid woman grabbed his shirt and started yelling at him . "Fiends are thick in this part you FOOL! Do you endanger the lives of others so calmly?" her eyes staring into his, bitter and angry. Alex started off on the woman as well. It wasn't their fault the crowd surrounded them. But the fact remains that the island is relatively safe if there was a fiend attack it wouldn't have been such a big one, mostly dingos or flans... He narrowed his eyes about to answer her but suddenly a massive black Chocobo ran towards them, with out thinking Gippal grabbed the woman wih his left arm and spun around holding her close to him as the bird slammed into his back, he let out a grunt of pain as the chocobo was chirping happily at the sight of the ball he had signed that was by him. He took force of the bit protecting the woman, but as a result both her and Gippal were flung into the water beside the docks, the chocobo coming after them, and the woman let out a surprised cry when she fell into the water. The water was shallow where they landed and Gippal had managed to make himself be the one to hit the water first with her on top of him. He was used to taking hits from Ronso in the sphere but outside with a chocobo seemed to hit harder with no water helping him absorb the hit. So he was knocked for breath as he laid in the water looking up at the woman. It was then he started to feel really cold, he looked at where he was cold and it was where the woman skin was touching him. She was FREEZING compared to the 90 degree weather. That and her eyes as she stared at down at him were icy blue... And seemed like he was looking at a powerful being, they seemed to be on fire as well. Once he got enough air in his lungs he asked, "Are you hurt?" Despite the woman yelling at him and calling him a fool for putting the people in danger. He still wanted to make sure she was ok, like Urick he tried his best to protect everyone. A sense of being a guardian. He shifted his weight and stood up while helping the woman as well. Whincing slightly at the pain in his back but he masked it well. It'll be fine later. He looked up at Alex as she said they both deserved that. Also saying he better hurry up to get to aunt Yunas to get her waffles. He shook his head as she walked away but he looked back to the woman.