It was, in fact, noteworthy that the moment that the blade touched the bowl of ice, and that's no exaggeration, literally milliseconds after the blades touched the ice shield he had made, Khold was aware of their presence. It wasn't a long shot to think of a person who, for the largest period of time, has been in control of his ice, in fact has the ability to feel through his ice. Any discrepancies, including but not limited to: Unwanted contact Unwanted melting And most importantly, in this scenario unwanted penetration With this in mind, the volley of falling blades was his biggest concern. At least, it would be, if Khold wasstupid. Previously, he had noted a disconect with his ice from Tablurath's blade. It's not unreasonable for him to put two and two together to realize "Oh hey, you're trying to disable my magic. I wonder what I'll do?" Khold's not dumb, far from it. He's above average in intelligence. Using the fact that Tablurath was able to cut through his pillar and make it start dissolving and the fact that swords are now beginning to be spontaneously created above him, it's very simple to deduce that he was trying to kill two birds with one stone and block Khold's magic and stab him to bits. It was rather funny, really, seeing Khazna start creating a hailstorm of metal death upon the battlefield that Khold knew would be useless. It was even funnier to see how he was spinning, it was as though he needed to go fast. As some kind of requirement of speed. Kholodny would swear he's played a game staring a character with the same motto. Without much of a thought, Khold decided to migrate his position. As Tablurath had noticed, and so had Khold when he witnessed the 80 foot vertical jump. there's weaker gravity here. How fortunate is it then that Khold just so happens to be quite skilled himself at jumping. There wasn't much of an afterthought here when he decided that he was going to jump backwards through the air, his legs launching him through the skies, out from under the swords almost as soon as they start appearing. Khold isn't going to sit around and let a literal deluge of blades form above him. He ain't got those kind of balls. Under even normal circumstance, this would have been no normal jump. On Earth, Kholodny's legs, sans magic, can propel him through the air, forwards OR backwards at speeds of 85 miles per hour up to distances of 600 feet, 200 yards, or two American football fields. Unlike a lot of people who can jump really high that he has met, which isn't a lot of people mind you, Khold does in fact possess a way to not break his legs on impact. Kholodny Zima controls the wind itself. The wind makes sure to not let Khold hit the ground too hard, so he never has to worry about fall damage. HOWEVER this was no ordinary jump even for him! This was one hell of a longjump. Combine a planet with low gravity and a dude who can clear 2 football fields with no help and what happen? They go really far. When I say 'far' I don't mean 9-10 feet. I don't even mean 20-30 feet. This jump is so monumental, normal people would mistake it for flying. The frigid man was sent soaring through the air at a high speeds and pretty good height, using his platform as a height boost for his jump. He sails out from the under the swords, moving at a clip of 125 feet per second, clearing the “Magic Free Zone” in about a quarter of a second and hurtling farther away by the millisecond. He watches Tablurath shrink as the distance increases, the man still spinning in the air as Khold flies away. By the time the Cardinal lands, the Russian Winter will be more than 150 feet out, safe from harm for the moment. During the jump to landing period, Kholodny thinks to himself with the couple of seconds that he has. “Okay, beating this guy. Need to catch him. Reform your weapon.” He keeps the thoughts short so he can think more of them. The spear in his hand begins to remold itself around his fist, turning into a barrel like structure with a large opening on the end, like the barrel of a cannon. The harpoon head begins to shrink and split, sinking down into the barrel. Kholodny continues pouring energy into the wind sphere that is in his grasp, now at the end of the cannon. This wind sphere is now akin to a F3 tornado, with winds speeds of 200 miles per hour, making anything that comes out of the cannon, once complete, a horrendously fast missile. Khold lands on the other side of a large pit, on a rather flat, rather large rock. It was hanging between two other [i] very[/i] large rock formations, with webbing suspending the flat one in between. It was close to the area that Kanitah had come from, though the ice man had no idea how he managed to get here from being in front of Khold. Presumably something to do with the pits.