"Deep breath James. Just...deep breath." a moment ago James shot up from his bed breathing erratically. Sweat trickled down his face and he couldn't help but try and reach for a sidearm to fire at a non existent threat. Of course that was just his alarm clock ringing. He smacked the button turning it off. He shook his head as if trying to shake off the nightmares that seemed to pop up every other day. "What time is it?" he mumbled to himself as he looked at the clock. "Time to get ready." An hour later James was driving to the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. Another day but the same problems. His whole day was already planned out before he made it to his office. file paperwork from the last assignment, look through Anti Gastrea extremist evidence, follow up on leads, and deal with a few irritating colleagues. The usual for him which made his arrival and walk through the building rather routine. What was important to him was looking through some old files for evidence on some suspects. He didn't have a case right now, but he was looking to start one. "Knock Knock!" The gravely voice came from the cracked open door. James could see the individual and waved him in. "Akihito, its a little early for you to come pestering me." James quipped at the younger yet rough looking officer who just shook some papers he had in his hand. "I swear the more that hair grows out the more of an ass you become." the officer responded with a smirk and tossed the papers on his desk. "Here I was coming to help you out. I told you I remembered some guys who were suspected of being involved in one of these new gangs sprouting up. Well turns out he knew that last extremist you arrested went to school with him and even lived in the same neighborhood recently. Don't know how you missed that, but you should check where he's living now." "Ah dammit! Too busy dodging Gastrea and trying to not to look too obvious sticking my nose in terrorist activities. You know that isn't our job anyway." James saw the profile on the man. Shimon Hasegawa was a known troublemaker, but wasn't caught doing anything too dangerous. He lived in a Apartment block not far away. "Thanks for the info. Let's get some drinks later!" He yelled while running out pistol and baton holstered. The drive too the apartment was spent reviewing what he read from the suspects file. When he arrived he saw more than a few squad cars over there. The area was blocked off from civillians. James showed his badge and drove through. A quick talk to the officers there immediately filled him in on the situation. "Gastrea huh? Shit Nomura security is the best people in the are you can get on this. Call them."