Shiro nodded wordlessly in response to Yoro's instruction. [i]Wow...I thought he and Tak were friends.[/i] He wasn't second-guessing Yoro at all. In fact, Akira wanted to selfishly return home, pass out, and take relief in the fact he had made it back safe and sound. Still it was surprising to hear Yoro dismiss the situation so easily. Then he noticed an angry aura behind him and a slight hiss. Nekomata was perturbed she wasn't needed. There was a feeling like something else was bothering her too. [i]You didn't like my act? Well, something to get used to...just go back, already. Sorry to bother you.[/i] She disappeared, but not without an angry flick of her tail. His comrades--Youhei's rambling especially--had not gone unnoticed this whole time, but his personal feelings kept his mouth shut. Having to and wanting to agree with Yoromatsu's decision were two entirely different things. Shiro wanted to, and that was better kept to himself since it was obvious Youhei was more aligned with the 'have to' side of things. He could guess how Ikeda felt, and definitely did not want to show her his ugly feelings. Before they left, he stuck out his hand to help her up, uttering "I hope I don't have to carry you..." which came out in his own voice, free of the smugness of his stage identity and complete with the sidelong glance of a tsundere, before he apologetically stammered "uh, because I'm beat too...I mean...there was...I was in a bad spot for a while back there..." He then quickly added "I don't want to talk about it. I just want to go back. I'm done with everything for tonight."
Shiro had elected to take the day off from school, instead sleeping in and then distracting himself with an MMO while trying to not let his conscience get the better of him. It was shitty enough he hadn't been around when Yoro and Youhei needed help on the train. They were supposed to be a team, and what if the both of them had died? He didn't want that kind of responsibility. Adding to that Takahiro was currently MIA, kidnapped and being held hostage, which could also be attributed to SEES lack of unity as a team and once again linked back to Shiro's own fault. He wasn't blaming himself, but he wasn't far off from it either. He sighed in frustration as he took his hands away from the keyboard for the umpteenth time and removed his headphones rather abruptly. [i]Maybe it would have been better to go to school...[i] He thought as he rubbed his brow then pressed his fingers against his eyes as if trying to ease a migraine, before throwing his headphones against the keyboard. "Damn, I suck at this game...heh." He crawled back into bed after that, but not long after he'd closed his eyes he got Yoro's text message. "Mmurrrgghhnnrrurururnn..." He groaned and rolled over instead, letting his phone fall from his hand on to the floor.