Character Template: [b]▷ Basic Information[/b] Name: Isadora Age: 24 Gender: Female Homeworld: Otherverse Affiliation (light, dark, or other): Dark [b]▷ Physical Information[/b] Appearance: [hider='Sup][img=][/hider] Casual Attire: [hider=Casual][img=][/hider] Battle Attire: (ignore the blue sword) [hider=Battle][img=][/hider] [b]▷ Personal Information[/b] Personality: Isadora is a level-headed woman of a few words. She rarely speaks unless she has something important to contribute--she prefers observing others over engaging with them nine times out of ten. She would likely appear to others as a cold, distant type of person due to her icy vibe, which is quite accurate. She views fellow humans as simply being in her way or just unnecessary. She prefers going off to do things on her own, however, although rare, once she finds a person that she truly can trust and has earned her respect, she gives nothing but respect back. In addition, she is strong both mentally and physically. She refuses to show signs of pain or weakness, as she finds those things to be nothing but petty distractions. As long as she can stand on two feet and fight, she believes that there is nothing one should complain about. [b]▷ History [/b] Otherverse was a small, dark, and desolate world in which its inhabitants fought to survive on a daily basis. Dirty slums littered the land and the people weren't much to brag about. Although nearly abandoned, the people who roamed the lands had no way of traveling to other better worlds. Isadora was born to a single mother who many years later abandoned her and her younger sister, Delezie by suicide. At only nine years old, Isadora was forced to take on the role of mother for her four year old sister. In that world, the only two options the people had were to die, or find some way to keep going. Unfortunately, it was not uncommon for the people to prematurely end their lives considering the living conditions worsened by the day. There was not a single Keyblade wielder in the world to defend them from Heartless attacks, either--for the people of Otherverse, that was often a blessing in disguise. Well, there was one. An old Key Bearer who had fought alongside the fallen from the war with the World Eater. However, no one knew where she resided, or who she even was. No one spoke of her, and if they did, they didn't have anything nice to say. As the years went on, the girls had been continuously abused, although never separated. Isadora would often offer herself to men in order to make a little bit of munny so that she could feed her sister and herself. She was always strong-willed and vowed to her sister that she refused to give up on life as her fellow people often would. She would keep on a smile no matter how much it hurt--so long as her sister felt safe. Delezie had always been a weak child, so her death, although heart-breaking for Isadora, was not something she wasn't expecting. Although she tried, she couldn't have prepared herself mentally enough for the day she finally breathed her last in her arms. Sick of the village she lived in, and with a new found hatred for her world manifesting inside her heart, she set out on a journey to find this cowardly Key Bearer. Around a year later, Isadora had nearly given up on her search when she was met with a glowing cave. She had felt a strange attraction to it--the aura surrounding the cave made her feel a strange sense of confusion mixed with sinister thoughts. She heard whispers yet saw no one. Curious, she entered the cave with hesitation figuring she had nothing left to lose. She was then met with the Key Bearer, Helena, who looked as if she was waiting for her arrival for a long time. Helena showed Isadora her ways for many years, yet never trained her with a Keyblade. She became a sort of grandmother figure to her--their lives were similar in many ways and Isadora felt safe with her. Although Isadora had been angry with her for not protecting the people of Otherverse when the Heartless attacked, she put that aside. The people of Otherverse deserved what came to them--she hated her people. Especially because they couldn't and didn't want to help save Delezie. Besides, Helena was quite old now, so she figured she couldn't do much with her Keyblade now anyway. That thought was confirmed when a swarm of Neoshadows appeared at Helena's cave, showing no signs of mercy for the elder. Helena was able to defeat them with various magic spells, but it was too much for her. Yet again, someone Isadora had formed a bond with died in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything about it. Darkness surged into her heart accompanied by angry thoughts, wondering why the World Eater she heard stories of didn't swallow this planet, as well. No one here deserved to live. Everyone was a pig. As dark energy swirled within her being, her Keyblade appeared in her clenched fist. Helena had told her stories of a strong Keyblade Bearer named Axeus that was still alive somewhere, so from that day forward, Isadora sought out to find him. Helena had a ship that allowed her to travel to other worlds, and although old, it worked. It would do the job. After years of traveling, at 24 years old, Isadora finally found him at Fallen Jungle, eagerly awaiting what journey laid ahead. [b]▷ Battle Information[/b] [b]Weapon:[/b] [hider=Plagued Apostle][img=][/hider] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*]Guard[/*] [*]Berserk -- Isadora grows stronger the more damage she takes.[/*] [*]Vortex -- Isadora closes the distance to nearby enemies with this powerful spinning attack.[/*] [/list] Notes: Isadora fights in a style that consists of swift attacks and close combat. Once engaged in battle, it can prove to be quite difficult to land a hit on her considering her speed.