He watched her as she noticed the water tribe shop. She ran over to it and smiled, "You are from the Northern Water Tribe!"The old woman behind the table laughed a little at her enthusiasm. She nodded, "I am... Although, I haven't heard anyone get that excited about it in sometime." He moved over and folded his arms and watched her as she ran her fingers over the objects at the booth, "I used to live there," she said as she picked up a hair comb with a flower, that looked to be frozen, on the top, meant to be worn in the hair on special occasions, "I used to have one of these..." She smiled softly at the item, "My mother gave it to me for my sixteenth birthday." His eyes looked upon it he comb she was holding. He thought... "She must regret not having some of her things..." He watched as she placed it back down and bowed at the woman, "You have beautiful wares. They remind me much of home." As she stepped away from the booth he met eyes with the woman and gave her a smile and a look as if to say. "Can you hold it?" The woman only smiled and winked as she was already pulling it off her table. He would come back for it. Everyone needed something to remind them of home. So they can let it go out of their minds. He nodded in thanks and turned to her as she looked over her shoulder at Rayn, "This is a lot to take in... The world is far different here...." He moved towards her "it is, but you don't have to be alone. I will help you as long as you wish." He cocked his head slightly at the thought... Why was he being so kind. Yes he would have done what he has done this far but perhaps his old self would let her to by now. But she had nowhere to go, and he felt drawn to her like he needed to befriend her. He had no true friends and She reminded him of himself when he was younger... " it'll take time but you will get a hang of it."