Kiri replied with a sort of “oho” as she looked to Marius seeing the cards before him as he was waiting for her answer. “Well, you know I won't be allowed to even turn you down. But it's not like I wouldn't. It's not like you don't have history to work out with these situations.” She looked more at the card and after a seeming pause, and her face de-stiffening from the thinking. “High?” She stated in the middle of her own seeming lecture. “Well in the end, I will still have to put you threw the exact same treatment as the other members. Even if, you like most of the other people are already approved. I just don't need people dying on me. It's bad for business and my image.” She says, in a somewhat cold way with a smirk on her face. She knew every one knew she just didn't like thinking about her members dying. She hated not being in the front, but she knew she had to manage the front in a different way. However, her phone vibrated as she pulled it out rapidly and looked it over. Sending an [i]”Okay :3 don't go getting killed now.~”[/i] in a rapid wave of clicking. And looked back to him. “Well, it seems the groups may be splitting up. Though it's not the end of the world. I guess they may have run into someone who was applying.” She said as she stood up from the desk. “So we'll be meeting the other the location needed. Though they will take their time getting there...if I know Ms. Matoi she's not going to really....relay them so well..we have time to burn.” She states with a sigh as she walks past him into the opened door. Her phone seemed to be in a more revolting annoying mood as it tore open in a ring once more. Playing one of her own favorite songs. She picked it up, she was more then not wanting to get her group on some basic training. A sort of fraud test. Though Flint was going with the new group, to an actual case he would have probably been fine dealing with on his own. She just had a hunch at what this was. “Hello~” She said pleasantly on the line while nodding to the voice that was coming out. Her face from it's plain look to a more serious one. “I see...” She stated as she looked to the calender then the clock. “We'll be there shortly.” She stated and looked to Marius. “we'll have to pull a quick one. We need to visit a crime scene. You have experience in it, we'll have to call Ms. Matoi on the way. Tell her there is a change of plans.” She stated as she straightened out her dress suit quite quickly, adjusting the tie. Pulling her phone out once more with her left hand to grab a katana that was near the elevator door, seeming like just a rack to hold things dropping. She texted flints phone a [I] Be careful, going to investigate a possible gastrea attack at the apartments near the station, call VP for information on it's location.[/i] she moved to push the button, aware that Marius would probably be close enough to her. She just needed to get to the location as soon as possible it seemed. She'll tell Matoi and the others then. ---- Hizumi looked at her for moment while she seemed to get herself fully into the seat. He had his same smile on, though his lipstick as getting a little annoying to him as he felt like it was tightening around his lips themselves. He just sighed in his mind at the thought itself that he would have to sponsor probably another make up group. He blinked his golden eyes as he opened his mouth to speak. “Well we are sadly going to be heading to our employer. Though it shouldn't be too long. As we'll be using...more effective means to get there. I don't think Ms. Matoi cares to much about our work.” He says jokingly, as he looked up to Ms. Matoi who had been seated in the car itself now as the doors closed and locked. The sound of the engine roaring came on as the car pulled off into a rather quick take off so it could make it to the location quicker. “Well, I didn't want to ruin our moment with the little lady here.” Ms. Matoi says kindly as she moves to pull up the cell from before and finished off a few configurations on it. Which was pretty obvious to hear from the sounds that seemed to produce from them. Moving to place the red phone in front of Nozomi on the table. “This phone is yours. It has your pass, ID and everything you'll need to get into Hizumi's house, and anything he goes to. If he ever leaves you behind. We also have a planned schooling if you want to go to it. It's a private school, and it will teach you all you want to know. Along with a possible tutor.” She stated as she looked to see her reaction. “Well, I don't think that's so bad. So long as Nozomi feels she wants to partake in it.” Hizumi stated as he looked to the phone and pulled out his own. The purple like phone seemed to detect the other one as it asked if it wanted to set up a connection to get it's number. He just laughed. As the car took a sharp turn to the right before it's driver opened the middle window so he could state something to the group. “We'll be there shortly.” he stated before closing the window.