[b]Yuki[/b] It had been about 10 minutes, that Yuki spent at home, with her dad for a while. He was a doting father. Always wanting love and attention from his special little girl. She grew up with a great dad. She got a new hat, and a couple more. They tended to go missing during combat, so she stocks them. Checking her gear, that she had her spear, and plenty of Javelin ammunition. Her dad handed over a magazine. "Here, let Flint try these out. They have your spit in them, it should cause paralysis, over an extended period of time." These were prototype bullets. Her parents were experimenting with the poison she produced. They wanted to obtain some gastrea samples for experimentation. But could not they were too vicious, and having Yuki constantly spit was just not going to work. So they are attempting to develop a bullet that will slowly release her poison so it causes prolonged paralysis. On a side note, she has almost never produced the lethal poison. It can affect things in a gaseous form. It was horrible when it was experimented. It was more of a powerful acid, that eroded as it poisoned the body. It causes a huge inflammatory response, leading to organisms puffing out, while being erodded, they puss out during it. She was forbidden to ever use it. Having put it in her pocket, and her bag full of gear, she rushed out of the home. [i] It seems that the new guys haven't arrived yet. At least that's what it looks like[/i] she thought. Jumping from building to building, rooftop to rooftop. It was faster than the streets. She then jumped down, and with great force, landed in front of the HQ, seeing Kiri coming out of the building. "Kiri? Where are you going? Huh? Where's Flint? What's going on?" She was a little confused, having been missing and not seeing Flint around. --- [b]Seikou[/b] "Who knows Akane, maybe they do, maybe this one is special." Seikou replied to Akane's question about big companies. He looked down at her, seeing her sniffing the place, familiarizing herself with her surroundings, her nervous habit. He patted her on the head, "Don't worry, it will be fine. I hear the President likes the Cursed Children and takes care of them." Walking to the door, guards approaching. And then, another man came out, making the guards stop. He came out and introduced himself as Flint White. But Seikou was curious. He did notify the President of the old company to let Nomura Civil Security know that they were going to come to apply for a job. But being called newbies? They were accepted already? His face stayed neutral. He didn't attempt to talk. He just nodded, but Flint turned away. [quote=Flint] "You are late, we will be going to a building where gastrea have been reported. I imagine you will have a lot of questions. Most I can not answer as of yet. We will investigate the incident and I will be observing you. If I or my initiator, who will meet with us on the way, like what we say you may be considered to become valuable members of this corporation. Now if you don't mind we should be getting moving" [/quote] [i]Initiator? Another promoter huh? I guess this means this is more of a test rather than a job for the first day[/i] Seikou realised what was happening. He saw another man behind him that seemed to follow, with a Varanium sword with a buckler. And then a guard running over to hand Flint a briefcase, probably his weapon. It was time to move out. Flint seemed to have been texting someone. [i] His initiator maybe? Or is it the President?[/i] he thought. Flint led the way, Seikou following with Akane by his side. It seemed as though the other man was following, but he couldn't be sure. He could not quite figure out who that man was, or what he was doing with them.