Nyima looked forward again when he spoke. [I]It'll take time but you will get a hang of it.[/I] She nodded her head and smiled, "Well, it isn't worth it if it doesn't take a bit of work." She kept looking around the shops. She looked at cellphones and laptops, strange electronic appliances that could do everyday tasks that wouldn't have taken the person much time in the first place. As she looked at them, she wondered if people here were lazier than those in the North. It seemed like machines need most of the work while the humans sat about. Most of these objects, she hadn't even seen their predecessors and couldn't even begin to imagine them. They came to a stall called decorative weapons. There were swords and boomerangs and the people were apparently just hanging them on walls. Nyima snickered, "We still use that weaponry in the North..." They continued to roam for sometime before she had seen most of what the market had to offer her. She smiled and came to a stop. She looked up at Rayn and nodded, "Are you going to show me your favourite place now?"