Finally, a Master is up!! Really sorry for the wait, everybody. Should have had this worked out before I even posted the OOC, but I figured I could get it done in a timely manner. Boy was I wrong! Also, this is still sort of a WIP. Everything is still accurate, the only things that will change is possibly his combat abilities (should Wayward request it). I will be adding a small section to his history at some point as well, but it is inconsequential to the RP (having taken place 50 years prior). ------- [b][u][center]Basic Information[/b][/u][/center] Name: Axeus Age: 68 Gender: Male Homeworld: Marine Blues Affiliation (light, dark, or other): Dark [b][u][center]Physical Information[/b][/u][/center] Appearance:[hider=Face][img=][/hider] Axeus stands tall, at 6’2” and has an imposing form. He’s strong and fit, but not bulky. Unlike the above picture his eyes are a glowing amber due to intense and long-lasting exposure to darkness. Casual Attire:[hider=Click][img=][/hider] Battle Attire:[hider=Click][img=][/hider] [b][u][center]Personal Information[/b][/u][/center] Personality: Axeus is a diabolical schemer. Very manipulative and impressively charismatic, he will do all that he feels is necessary to persuade or intimidate others. He prefers to subjugate people with words, but has no problem using force, even killing those who refuse to agree with him. He is calculated, but also has a fiery temper. Usually, Axeus can control this anger, but sometimes it will lash out, spelling pain and death for those around him. He takes a shine to his apprentices, and does not use force to train them; rather, he attempts to sculpt them in his image, using his masterful manipulations to meld their minds into what he desires. He has a sort of respect for the Light Master, Yuan Lao, in that he has not yet attacked him directly, even though the Light Keybearers are working against Axeus. Perhaps it is a lingering memory from when they fought together against the World Eater; one way or another, Axeus is avoiding Yuan Lao and his apprentices until he feels the time is right to confront them. History: Much of Axeus’s earliest years are lost to the ages. He grew up on Marine Blues, a world of islands, pirates and the sea, but left during his adolescence to Old Bastion. There he witnessed the righteous acts of the Keybearers and began looking up to them. He made a wooden keyblade for himself, and he would go out into his yard and practice every day, swinging it around until he was exhausted. His parents took note of this and went to inquire if he could train under a local master; the Keybearer told them that while Axeus was free to train with them, he could not wield a Keyblade unless the Keyblade chose him. Axeus, still rather young and naive, began to develop a flame of anger inside him. Why was he not chosen to wield the Keyblade? Was he not good enough? What had he not done that others had? Still, taking the master up on his offer, Axeus began training under his instruction. He learned the basics of combat, of spellcasting, as well as the principles of the Keybearers, such as defending those in need and fighting the darkness. The master was surprised to see that Axeus was a natural; however, his attitude toward the Keybearer’s principles made the master worry. Axeus hungered for power, hungered for a Keyblade, not to protect others, but to control them. Axeus knew that with power, he could get whatever he desired. The master sensed a growing darkness in Axeus’s heart, and attempted to quell it as best he could. Soon would come Axeus’s 18th birthday. On the very day that he became a man word came to Old Bastion about the World Eater having devastated the outer cluster. It was on it’s way to Ancient Desert, a rather empty world, but one that the Keybearers knew to hold vast amounts of untold secrets. Axeus’s friends, his peers, and his teachers began to leave around him, all heading to fight the World Eater. It was then that something in his heart awakened, and in Axeus’s hand appeared the item that he so desperately desired: a Keyblade. His master looked back, having sensed the flash of darkness that spawned the weapon in Axeus’s hand. He knew that Axeus would not tread the path of light, but with the World Eater threatening to engulf their entire cluster, he was unable to do anything about it. Axeus, having watched his peers and his teacher perform the acts for years, was quickly and easily able to grasp how to make his Keyblade Armor and Glider. He took off to the world of Ancient Desert, with hatred in his heart, to fight the beast that had destroyed Marine Blues. The battle proved to be one that was long and grueling. Though Axeus was an exceptionally quick learner with his Keyblade, the might of the beast was unlike anything he could have imagined. His master and his friends were all killed in front of him. When the battle was nearing a close, and the Keybearers sent light from their hearts to trap the World Eater, Axeus wretched the last of the light from himself and sent it up to trap the beast he so hated; from that day forth, only darkness remained within him. In the years following the battle, Axeus became a master and taught on his own. However, he taught that one should use their power to fulfill personal desires, not to help others. This earned him the animosity of the other Keyblade Masters who still acted as defenders of the cluster, and soon Axeus and others who shared his ideals were exiled from Old Bastion. And so, Axeus fled to Fallen Jungle, a world swathed in mystery and danger. Soon, he attracted others who were like him, and the world became more-or-less the seat of the “rogue” Keybearer Faction. Axeus is not directly in control of it, however, and prefers to keep to himself. No one knows what Axeus is planning in his self-imposed exile... In the most recent months, Axeus has taken on several apprentices. What he plans to do by training other Keybearers remains a mystery, but it is no doubt part of Axeus’s Master plan... Other Notes: [b][u][center]Battle Information[/b][/u][/center] Weapons:[hider=Darkbringer][img=][/hider] (Please imagine red instead of blue and silver instead of gold. Will likely make the changes to the picture myself at some point) Axeus’s Keyblade is one suited perfectly to him, easily maneuverable and decidedly deadly. It inflicts more damage than the average Keyblade, allowing him to end fights quickly and decisively. Darkbringer has an average reach of three and a half feet, and is a good conductor of magic, though casting is not its focus. Abilities: [i]Firaga-[/i] An incredibly high-powered fire spell that launches a large ball of concentrated, blazing energy. The orb of destruction homes in on its target and does so with blinding speed, with an explosion upon impact. [i]Thundaga-[/i] A high-tier lightning spell that commands around seven bolts of destructive electrical energy to rain down from the sky. Axeus is also able to concentrate these into one, incredibly powerful bolt. Can sometimes leave enemies paralyzed for a moment. [i]Graviga-[/i] One of the strongest spells in the Gravity line, Graviga summons an orb of mysterious energy that grounds flying enemies, damages even the most resistant of foes, and debilitates them, opening them for further attacks. It is very difficult to resist this spell. [i]Darkness Manipulation-[/i] Axeus has an impressive mastery of darkness and can shape it to his will. This encompasses several different abilities in one. He can use the darkness in many different aggressive manners, firing a bullet of darkness, throwing spears of darkness, etc. He can sheath his Keyblade in darkness as well, making it more deadly and even causing lingering damage to the target. He can also use it defensively, by creating a wall of darkness to deflect incoming attacks, similarly to how a Reflera spell would work. Lastly, he can access all of the utilities of darkness, such as creating dark corridors. [indent][i]Heartless Control-[/i] A subset of his dark abilities, Axeus has learned the ability to summon and control Heartless. Doing this is rather draining, especially when summoning more powerful Heartless, so he prefers not to use it. At it’s most powerful, Axeus can summon two Darkside Heartless, though this will cause him to be extremely fatigued.[/indent] [i]Sure Strike-[/i] A physical attack with a Keyblade that will knock away traditional Guards and hit the target anyway. Has a slight homing property which also makes it difficult to dodge. Will break first-level Reflect spells, but Reflera and above will be strong enough to block it. [i]Strike Raid-[/i] A classic attack where Axeus throws his keyblade in an arc to strike an enemy from afar. The Keyblade then returns to him. [i]Glide-[/i] Axeus is able to mimic flight for a short amount of time by gliding through the air. He will constantly fall as he does so, eventually reaching the ground. [i]High Jump-[/i] Axeus is able to jump incredibly high, easily 10 feet into the air without much effort. At maximum effort he can reach somewhere around 15’. [i]Limitless Combination-[/i] Axeus is able to combine any and all of his above abilities at will. For example, he can mix darkness with his Firaga spell, making it more powerful and dealing both dark and fire damage. He can infuse Heartless he summons with Thundaga, creating lightning-based spawn of darkness. He can mix darkness, fire, or thunder with Strike Raid to give it different effects. As the ability states, the combinations are limitless. [b][u][center]Other Information[/b][/u][/center] Notes: Axeus has trained for years upon years and so is one of the most powerful masters in his faction, if not the cluster. He is an accomplished mage as well as melee fighter. He has learned to control his magical reserves in such a way that it would take a very prolonged battle for him to become fatigued from casting.