Appearance: [img=] Name: Stephanie White ( Steph) Age: She doesn't remember. Over 300. Looks 18 Species: Vampire History: Steph was born a long time ago. She barely remembers her past due to just how much of it there is. She remembers the world wars and a few decades within the 1800's, her favourite time zone was the American wild west, the frontier. Where anyone could make it big with blood and sweat. She keeps the style of the time, wearing a large Stetson hat and keeping two colt .45's on her hip. She has been traveling most her life, alone, not remembering any relatives. She soon caught wind of Hikari Ryodan Academy, a place to train as a Dawn Slayer. The main reason she came was to find other super naturals and hopefully find some people to spend the rest of eternity fighting beside. Personality: Steph wants to make friends and so is very friendly towards people, despite this she can get angry and has no qualms in knocking people down a few pegs. Steph also finds the humans as lesser beings and believes they need the help of super naturals to survive. Notable Skills or Abilities: Sharp Fangs. Mild Hypnosis. Fast reflexes. Strength. Heightened senses (Smell, Taste, Hearing) Pistol Shooting. Extra - [hider=Custom Nickel and Pearl Grip Colt Peacemakers.] [img=] [/hider]