As soon as they rounded the corner Vera grabbed Jaii’s wrist, leading the way further down a hallway. Eventually she turned to him, looking at the man like it was [i]him[/i] who had driven her there and was causing all the trouble. “Look, why don’t you drop the heroic act. You’re the alpha’s son, right? I know how your family works and I don’t need anything else to make this situation more complicated!” Vera hissed, looking him up and down. It was just attraction…very strong, desperate attraction. Yeah. “Rick is- and then you come in here and- and what is all this, huh?” she asked in a harsh whisper, gesturing with her hands between him and her, hands moving quickly. Without any warning she suddenly pressed her hands firmly against his chest, stood on her tiptoes, and impulsively placed her lips against Jaii’s in a longing kiss that just felt right. It angered her, frustrated the woman that she could want something so urgently, but maybe this would make it go away. It had to go away… Pulling away Vera sighed, pressing her lips together in a guilty fashion. “[i]Please[/i] tell me you’re just [i]really[/i] hot and you feel nothing here,” she groaned, finally showing a bit of worry. “At least with Rick what you see is what you get. You, I don’t know…I’m supposed to mate with…” Please say something, Talon…